To learn more about my published books, click here!

Flash fiction

Gloria” - Split Lip Magazine

Deal” and “Finger” - Wigleaf

The Umbilical Telephone” - ANMLY

American Girls” - Triangle House Flash Issue

The Woman with No Face” - Adi Magazine

Phantom” - Hobart

Vengeance” - SmokeLong Quarterly

Half-Moon Bay”* and “Guoguo” - The Offing

Excerpt from the History of Literacy” - Four Way Review

ArcadiaandXiaogui” - The Offing

Radish Head - Matchbook

The Daughters Ding” - Peach Magazine

Insomnia” and “Melody” - Sundog Lit

Goddess Erotic” - The Journal

Hot Cheetos: A Chorus” - Autostraddle

Filet-O-Fish” - The Commuter, Electric Literature

Ghost Bride” - The Margins, AAWW

Footnotes on a Love Story” - The Rumpus Original Fiction*

*Nominated for Best American Science Fiction and Fantasy 2020

What is Yours is Yours” - The West Review

Sichuanese women,” “Mongolian Spot,” & “Genealogy” - Passages North

Fable” - Fractured Lit

Sweet” - MQR Mixtape

Horseplay” - The Adroit Journal* (After “Astilla” by Manuel Muñoz)

*Anthologized in PLAIN CHINA: National Anthology

of the Best Undergraduate Writing, 2020/2021

Strip Mall Triptych” & “Kite-fighting” - Hayden’s Ferry Review (brief haunts)

Hong Van” & “Hammock” - No Contact Mag

Saint” - Invisible City Lit

*Anthologized in Best Microfiction 2021

Fangs - Waxwing Magazine

Pre-Eviction, 1992 - Group Chat Review

American movie” - Okay Donkey Mag

Past Lives” - Nurture: A Literary Journal

Extinction” & “Asymmetry”* - Jellyfish Review

*Anthologized in Best Microfiction 2021

Inheritance” - Cheap Pop Lit

Silkworms” - Cotton Xenomorph

O” - Cosmonauts Avenue

Eating Pussy” & “Homophone” - New Delta Review

Mandarin Speakers - DREGINALD

Momotaro” - Gasher Journal

Mercy,” “Basashi,” and “Watermelon Salad” - Pidgeonholes

“Dirty Things” - Home is Where You Queer Your Heart (Anthology), Foglifter Press, March 2021

Daughter, Redacted” - A Velvet Giant


“Zoo” - Belletrist Magazine

“Virgins” - X-R-A-Y Lit Mag

Short stories

Family: Orchid” - Joyland Magazine

Xifu” - Electric Literature

“My Mother’s Stalker”

Lizard Luck” & “Gamblers” - Shenandoah

Baba” - Gulf Coast Online

Sitting the Month” - The Margins, AAWW

Jenny’s Dollar Store” - Kweli Journal

Skins” - Midnight Breakfast

Swallower” - The Boiler

Caller” - Soft Punk Magazine

Five Wounds” - Soft Punk Magazine

Cecilia” - Hyphen Magazine

Nagano - Lunch Ticket

Migration” - Arcturus Magazine (Chicago Review of Books)

Teaching my mother how to drive” - Air/Light Magazine

Transcendence” - The Los Angeles Review

Nine-headed Birds” - The VIDA Review*

*Selected by Matthew Salesses for Best of the Net 2020

Ghostfathered” - Apogee Journal, Issue 14*

*Republished in Lithub

My Cousin Vivian” - Birdfeast

Drought Goddess” & “Wet Dream- EX/POST

Chinese Drama” - Apogee Journal

Meals for Mourners/兄弟” - Nashville Review

Invasive Species” - Honey Lit

Consequences of Water - The Margins, special issue on fruit

An Aquatic History of my Family” - The Margins, Land Folio

The Chorus of Dead Cousins” - McSweeney's Issue 62 - Queer Fiction Issue

Bone” - The Spectacle

Ouyang Ayi” - Gone Lawn

Cowlick” - TriQuarterly

Family Tree” - Capsule Stories

Keeper” - Exposition Review

Dragon Son, Tiger Daughter” - Columbia Journal

“Duke of Heaven” - Cosmonauts Avenue

Haiyang” - Berkeley Fiction Review


“Divination” - F(r)iction: A Literary Anthology

“Grief-Eater” - The Harvard Advocate

“Mina” - The Arkansas International, Issue 10

“The Three Resurrections of my Grandfather” - Death In The Mouth: The Best of Contemporary Horror (Anthology), 2022